GMP Refresher eLearning

 Thu, 1st Dec, 2022

A leading Biotech company engages Novitas to design and develop its global GMP Refresher eLearning programme.

We are delighted that Novitas has been selected for this innovative project which will involve the redesign of existing GMP Refresher eLearning using a new and innovative approach.

Experienced GMP employees who feels like they already know the topics covered in this annual training will the opportunity to prove their existing knowledge by successfully answering all the questions in the test-out option below. Employees who can score 100% on the topics presented will advance past the mandatory training to the end for completion.

Employees who feel like they know some topics better than others, will still have the opportunity to test-out of certain topics and review only the remaining topics as a refresher. 
Employees can also simply take this year’s training in the traditional format and review all content and complete the assessments in the module.

Project deliverables will include the following topics: Introduction to GxP, behaviours driven by Good Practices, the Regulatory landscape, Root Cause Analysis & Documentation Practices and the module will also include a series of short videos showing real-world scenarios to stress the importance of GMPs.

About Novitas
Founded in 2012, Novitas provides flexible, tailored, and cost-effective training and eLearning  solutions for all digital transformations and training programmes, in any geography, bringing experienced professionals with extensive understanding of delivering the change in workforce literacy required to drive holistic long-term and meaningful outcomes.

We design change and training programmes which meet the diverse needs of the different user groups across projects.

Contact us directly at Novitas to speak to one of our senior eLearning specialists about how we can ensure project success in your Digital and Training programmes.
